Nutrition and HealthSkin and Hair HealthAcne Scars: Understanding & Treating Different Types

Acne Scars: Understanding & Treating Different Types

Introduction to Acne Scars:

The concern about post acne scars which arise after a hassle of damaging acne are noticeable to most individuals. These marks occur as a result of the body’s natural healing after the inflammatory process has left skin tissues injured. There are various kinds of acne scars existing wherein each requires a different mode of treatment.

Types of Acne Scars:

From the above discussion, it is apparent that scars caused due to acne can vary from one person to another introducing more complications in treatment. The main types include:

Atrophic scars:

  • Ice Pick Scars: These types are very narrow plus deep as well as pits.
  • Boxcar Scars: Bottoming that are broad and has sharp edges.
  • Rolling Scars: Scars presenting with wave or rolling appearance.

Hypertrophic scars:

  • Raised firm within the bounds of the original acne lesion but within the borders of the lesion.

Keloid scars

  • Raised, overgrown and commonly extend the borders of the original site.

Each type presents unique challenges. Understanding these differences leads to the selection of appropriate methods of treatment. Such diagnosis should be carried out by specialists for appropriate diagnosis and pelvic intervention.

Causes of Acne Scars:

The reasons underlying the development of acne scars are numerous with most focusing on how the skin reacts to acne. Here are some of the common reasons for the development of acne scars:

  • Inflammatory Acne. An inflammatory reaction of the pimple in question goes deeper inside the skin, therefore destroying the adjacent area.
  • Popping or Picking. Any activity engaged in to traumatize the areas harboring lesions can further traumatize the skin thereby causing acne scarring.
  • Genetics. One’s genes may also play a role in how much acne scars develop.
  • Delayed Treatment. Failure to treat acne or the management of the clearest acne makes a person ‘marked’ more.
  • Loss Of Collagen. Deficient collagen production results in competent skin healing whereby scars are formed.

It is important to note these reasons in order to avoid them and in order to have effective treatment.

Preventive Measures for Acne Scars:

Preventing the occurrence of scars that arise from acne breakouts involves some commitment on the patients part both in terms of skin care and lifestyle changes. Key measures include:

  • Timely Treatment. In the presence of acne make sure that it is well treated as it will cut down inflammation and help in reducing the chances of the disease breaking out in its more intense forms.
  • Avoid Picking. No manipulations should be performed over the zebra or the erupting Jerusalem which exerts a considerable danger to the dermis itself as this will ultimately result in hyperpigmentation and scarring.
  • Sunscreen. Use of broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis is important for everyone to provide protection to the skin wounded on cuts without aggravating the scarring process.
  • Proper Hygiene. Use mild cleansers and non-comedogenic products and keep a regular skin care regimen.
  • Healthy Diet: Enrich your skin through a healthy and well-balanced diet that is abundant in vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Moisturize: For healing purposes, apply a non-greasy and light moisturizer and keep the skin moist.

Over-the-Counter Treatments:

Over the counter products for scar treatment are abundant and are meant for different skin types. These are mostly creams, gels, or patches that contain active ingredients pertaining to scar treatments.


  • Hydroquinone: Active ingredient that helps cut down on hyperpigmentation and lighten skin markings.
  • Retinoids: Help in collagen synthesis which facilitates skin regeneration.
  • Salicylic Acid: Helps remove dead skin and reduces scar visibility.
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): Accelerates the rate of cell regeneration and enhances the surface of the skin.

Usage Tips:

  • After use, it is advisable to follow instructions on repeat use of the product.
  • Performing a patch test whereby a small portion of the skin is exposed to the product first before use on the whole surface area.
  • Seeking the help of a skin doctor for appropriate treatment.

Topical Prescription Treatments:

Acne scar treatment may often use topical prescription medications. These can also be defined as those which are used on the specific parts of the skin. These include:


  • They are active substances obtained from vitamin A.
  • They encourage the shedding of the dead skin and increase the production of the collagen.


  • It is a depigmenting agent.
  • It lightens hyperpigmented areas and dark patches.


  • They are active in the inflammation response.
  • They lessen itching and redness of acne scars.

Azelaic Acid

  • It is used for treating bacterial as well as swelling.
  • It reduces inflammation as well as erythema.

However, patients should be advised to adhere to the directions of their adherent dermatologist for effective outcomes.

In-Office Dermatological Procedures:

In the struggle to get rid of acne scars, things performed at the dermatology offices are of considerable help. Some of the procedures worth noting are:

  • Laser Therapy: This procedure restores the skin’s appearance by using enough light, which is made to focus on the skin surfaces thus prompting collagen resynthesis and hence healing the scars.
  • Chemical Peels: Wounds surfaces are fed with concentrated acidic solutions in a way of clinical peeling to the very first layer causing regeneration of skin and reduction of scars.
  • Microneedling: Small calibrated needles are used making minor perforations on the skin enhancing collagen within a longer period, hence improving skin texture.
  • Dermal Fillers: This involves injecting agents such as HA into scars which are rather sunken and depresses the skin instantly providing a plump effect.
  • Subcision: Involves penetrating with a needle and cutting the fibrous bands under the scar causing tension, therefore, lifting up the skin.

Home Remedies and Natural Treatments:

One can use Aloe vera which is known for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. You can cover the scars with fresh Aloe Vera Gel. Honey is a well-known remedy for scars due to its antibacterial action. Apply the honey on the scars and wash after 15-20 minutes. Citrus fruits such as lemons act as good lightening agents for dot scars because of their high Vitamin C content. Dip cotton in fresh lemon juice and apply it on the scar and wash after 10 minutes. Scars may also be lightened and even removed with the use of baking soda as an exfoliant. Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it on the scars for a few minutes or to dry. Adhering to these remedies to a certain degree may smoothen the skin and its texture.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes:

Changes targeting diet and lifestyle can complement the management of acne scars. Certain behavioral and dietary factors affect the condition of the skin in a noteworthy manner.

  • Hydration: Consumption of enough water will promote detox as well as the regeneration of the skin.
  • Balanced Diet: Fruits and vegetables such as green leafy vegetables, Lean proteins, and Whole grains are equally important to nutrient deficiency.
  • Sugar Reduction: Restrict consumption of foodstuff that is rich in sugars because they increase blood sugar levels that are known to cause the aggravation of skin conditions.
  • Stress Management: Different forms of stress management such as yoga and meditation help to curtail the increase or decrease of the hormones.
  • Quality Sleep: Require adequate period in addition to quality sleep so that the skin can undergo its adapting processes.
  • Avoid Smoking: It further complicated the skin conditions and also slowed down the healing process.

Importance of Consistency and Patience:

To cope with or treat the acne scars effectively there is need for consistency and patience. For maximum results, it is necessary to follow the treatment regimen as recommended, which makes it possible in achieving the results. There are daily skincare practices that must be performed.

  • Cleansing to avoid any type of pore blockages.
  • Moisturizers to assist the skin heal from inside out.
  • Sunscreens to shield from any chances of scar darkness.

That is where the patience comes in; since the skin is busy healing itself, this process does not happen overnight. Even after microneedling or other therapies like chemical peeling or laser, it is natural not to observe the end result immediately as this may take several weeks if not months. However, if they remains faithful to the skincare routine, improvements will not only be achieved but the process is more deterministic and effective with time and more so, it is gradual.

Emotional and Psychological Impact:

Facial scarring from acne generally has negative consequences on the psychosocial status of the affected people as they age. There are several aspects that people may surround themselves with, especially in terms of:

  • Low self-esteem: Infected with acne scarring and struggling hard to hide it can cause feelings of worthlessness.
  • Social withdrawal: Some of the affected people may choose to be antisocial or do not like to be in the limelight.
  • Anxiety and depression: Such conditions may lead to or aggravate depression due to sustained skin conditions.
  • Body dysmorphia: When an individual becomes overly concerned about such skin variations, it can lead him/her to false self-image.

Those emotions can last for months and should be treated medically. Coping and support groups or therapy can help.

Account exposures are very significant when it comes to treating scarring associated with acne.

When to Seek for Help:

Help from a specialists should be sought after in the face of the following:

  • The scars left by acne are severe and affect one’s confidence positively or negatively the person’s healing.
  • Over six months of targeting acne using prescribed treatments without improvements being noted.
  • Skin remains discolored longer than usual or other texture changes than normal appear.
  • Nodular or cystic acne emerges.
  • Scars that are painful, irritating or bleed.
  • Suspicion of reactions following the use of home remedies.

They can also evaluate scars and their seriousness and make treatment options like laser therapy, and chemical peels among others. Medical consultation for this case is important because it enhances efficiency in the treatment and cut the chances of more damage or any other communication on the skin.

Latest researches and innovations:

Recent studies have introduced procedures designed to improve the treatment outcomes of scarred acne. Important innovations include:

  • Microneedling Devices: Better accuracy and less time off work.
  • Laser Technologies: Improved scar texture using fractional CO2 and picosecond lasers .
  • Biologic Injectables: GFs and/or stem cells are injected with the aim of rejuvenating the skin.
  • Chemical Peels: Innovative products that cause less inflammation.
  • Topical Preparations: More effective devices and anabolic peptides creams for the treatment of scars.
  • 3D Imaging: Better evaluation of scar length and treatment outcomes.

The research highlights the need for an individualized strategy depending on the type of scar and skin type.


What are the types of acne scars?

  • Atrophic Scars (ice pick scars, boxcar scars, rolling scars, etc)
  • Hypertrophic Scars
  • Keloid Scars

What should I do about my acne scarring?

  • Over the Counter Treatments: Topical retinoids and Vitamin C
  • Procedures: Chemical peels, Microdermabrasion, Microneedling, Laser
  • Surgery: Subcision, Punch excision

How effective are the OTC products on their own in the treatment of acne scars?

  • OTC products can help lessening the visibility and textural issues but complete removal of deep scars would be unrealistic.

When can results be expected?

  • This will depend on the patient but results can be noted within a few weeks to a few months after commencing treatment.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts:

Currently, there is no single method suitable for the effective treatment of acne scars. There are various means that can be applied as they include professional solutions like chemical peels, laser treatments, or microneedling. Other less invasive options like over the counter medicated products with retinoids or hyaluronic acid can also the course of scar treatment. A change in lifestyle for example a good eating habit or following the skin care regimens for acne can make the results even more favorable.

Professional Treatments:

  • Chemical peels
  • Laser therapy
  • Microneedling
  • Copy

Over-the-Counter Options:

  • Retinoids
  • Hyaluronic Acid

Lifestyle Adjustments:

A further recommendation to this is seeing a dermatologist who will determine the proper dispensing.

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