Nutrition and HealthSkin and Hair HealthAcne Cause: A Comprehensive Guide

Acne Cause: A Comprehensive Guide

Historical Background of Acne Problems, Their Causes, and the Interpretation of Each Type of Acne

A large number of people worldwide suffer from the skin problem known as acne. Usually, acne develops when there is accumulation of oil and dead epithelial cells in the hair follicles. The most common types of acne comprise white and black heads, nodular and cystic acne. Major reasons causing acne include:

  • Menstrual Cycle Changes: Androgens boost the rate of sebum secretion hence creating blockages.
  • Bacteria: Propionibacterium acnes is capable of causing folliculitis which is an inflammatory condition of the hair follicles.
  • Heredity: A family history increases the likelihood of suffering from acne.
  • Eating habits: Foods with high glycemic index and milk may promote the disease.
  • Psychological condition: Elevation of cortisol which worsens acne.
  • Cosmetics: Use of such aerated creams or lotions can block the skin pores.

Let’s Explore the Many Types of Acne:

When it comes to acne, there are many different types and each has a unique approach for treatment. The most common ones are as follow:

  • White Figures: These are closed pores containing sebum and dead skin cells.
  • Black Heads: These are black heads on keratin plugs which are blocked pores containing the trapped oily secretions and become black from exposure to air.
  • Papule: Small red tender bumps without core.
  • Pustule: red bumps which possess a whitehead pus in its middle.
  • Nodules: Large painful lumps which develop under the skin.
  • Cyst: These are deep convex lumps filled with pus that can cause tissue destruction and have pain associated with them.

Knowing these types aids in choosing the right measures for proper skin treatment.

Importance of Timely Action:

Timely and aggressive acne treatment is essential to prevent the occurrence of chronic changes in skin appearance, texture, and scarring. Timely intervention can help in the areas of prevention of the systemic cystic types of acne which are harder to cure.Acne Cause 2

  • Reduces Severity: Early treatment can decrease the severity and length of the cysts.
  • Prevents Scarring: It reduces the chances of getting unsightly scars and discoloration of the skin.
  • Boosts Self Esteem: Getting control of inflammatory acne breakouts early on can have a positive impact on psychological status and self-image.
  • Less Aggressive Treatments: Inconsistent and late treatment of diseases may necessitate the use of potent medicines and therefore cause great disdain at times when the disease was not so severe at first.

Over-The-Counter Way of Treating Acne:

Has no need of a prescription, is cheaper and skin, body acne cures can eliminate mild to moderate grade acne.

Types of OTC Acne Treatments:

  1. Benzoyl Peroxide:
  • Reduces bacteria.
  • Helps decrease the amount of the bacteria beneath the skin’s surface.
  • Aids in sloughing off the outer layer of the skin.

Salicylic Acid:

  • Removes the residue in the pores.
  • Causes less swelling and less redness.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs):

  • Acids such as glycolic or lactic.
  • Stimulates the regrowth of skin.


  • Exfoliates the outer layer of skin.
  • Abates the level of oil.

Application Tips:

  • Apply on well-cleaned dry skin.
  • Use the lowest possible strength
  • Use one application daily then start to increase the dose
  • Apply the appropriate moisturizer thereafter

Prescription Medications for Acne Cause:

Prescription drugs provide more effective and specific treatment modalities for acne as it encompasses any type or form of severity.

Topical Retinoids:

  • A derivative of Vitamin A, these decrease inflammation and open pores.
  • Medications include. Let me give you the names: tretinoin, adapalene and tazarotene.


  • The function of these drugs is to kill the skin bacteria hence reducing redness and inflammatory stage.
  • Commonly, these drugs are combined with benzoyl peroxide for prevention of antibiotic resistance.

Azelaic Acid:

  • This condition effectively decreases bacteria and dead skin cells but is not irritating as seen in other treatments.
  • They come in a form of gel or a cream.

Oral Contraceptives:

  • Normally these are used in regulating hormones that contribute to acne and can be given to women troubled by hormone imbalance.


  • This is a very potent capsule for severe acne, which diminishes sebum production.
  • Patients are kept under watchful eyes because of the possible side effects that are worrisome.

Topical Therapies: Creams, Gels, and Ointments

Treatment of acne includes the use of topical drugs, such as gels, creams and ointments. They usually have active substances present, aimed at acne lesions.

Common Ingredients:

  • Benzoyl Peroxide: Kills bacteria and also has anti inflammatory effect.
  • Salicylic Acid: Stimulates the process of shedding dead skin cells.
  • Retinoids: Are used to clear the clogged pores and prevent acne.
  • Antibiotics: Are used to combat bacterial infection and reduce inflammation.

Application Tips:

  • Skin preparation for the application is recommended before usage.
  • Apply only on distilled coarse surface tissues covering the area of complaint thinly.
  • Moisturise afterwards if required to avoid any chances of application induced inconveniences.
  • Usage should be done once or twice a day as guided on the product polymer applications.

Forms Available:

  • Creams: Are ideal for application on normal to dry skin surfaces.
  • Gels: Are common on the oily skin type.
  • Ointments: Are ideal for very dry skin persons or sensitive areas on the skin such as the pudendum.

Oral Medications: Antibiotics and Hormonal Treatments


  • Tetracyclines: Works on moderate to severe cases of acne. Doxycyline and minocycline are some common types.
  • Macrolides: Used as an alternative for individuals unable to use tetracyclines like erythromycin and azithromycin.
  • Side Effects: May include upset stomach, sensitivity to sunlight and in rare cases risk of bacteria resisting the effects of antibiotics.

Hormonal Treatments:

  • Oral Contraceptives or Birth Control Pills: These are estroprogestin pills that contain both estrogen and progestin. Suffet tri cyclen and Yaz are its brands.
  • Anti-Androgens: Spironolactone helps lower the levels of androgens. This is especially beneficial for hormonal acne in females.
  • Side Effects: The disadvantage of this therapy may include: craving and gaining weight, swelling and tenderness of breasts, disruptions in the menstrual cycle

For these treatments, it is very important to be in contact with a doctor.

Other Ways to Treat Acne at Home:

Tea Tree Oil:

  • It is advised to use only a small amount at a time to the affected area. Since it has antimicrobial effects, it helps in decreasing the infection and inflammation.

Honey and Cinnamon Mask:

  • Mix 2 taken spoons of honey into 1 taken spoon of cinnamon. Spread the mixture on the face and keep it for about 10-15 minutes, then wash it off. The anti-inflammatory properties of honey combined with inflammation from cinnamon help relieve irritation.

Green Tea:

  • Instead of using facial wash, use cooled green tea or put a tea bag on the skin. It has antioxidants that reduce inflammation and the amount of oil produced.

Aloe Vera:

  • Aloe vera gel can also be used in its pure form on the skin. It has some of the best moisturizing and healing properties which help calm irritation and also treat acne scars.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Prepare a mixture consisting of 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar to 3 parts water. Use a cotton ball to gently apply on the skin. Its acidity helps to restore skin PH levels and it also possesses antiseptic qualities.

Changes in Lifestyle for Treatment of Acne:

By taking these practical, everyday measures, acne can be greatly improved.

Diet and Nutrition:

  • It has been proven that avoiding the consumption of high glycemic foods helps in managing acne.
  • It is a plus to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, lean meats as well as whole grains.

Skincare Routine:

  • Mild cleansing twice a day is suggested and this should be done with gentle cleansers.
  • Non-comedogenic products prevent the formation of pores that are cystic in nature.


  • It is important to drink sufficient fluids on a daily basis for the good care of the skin.

Stress Management:

  • Activities that relieve stress, such as yoga or meditation, can make skin conditions better.


  • 7-9 hours of sleep at night guarantees that repairing activities take place on the skin.

Avoiding Touching the Face:

  • Making contact with the face will cause the transference of some oils and bacteria so this exposure is limited.

Diet and Its Effect on the Management of Acne and Acne Cause:

Research has revealed that what we eat plays a great role in the steps that lead to the development of acne. It is possible that eating some certain foods may cause breakouts, while the consumption of others may help in the reduction of the occurrence of the same.

Foods That May Make the Situation of Acne Worse:

  • High-Glycemic Foods: Foods that fall under the category of high glycemic foods raise the sugar blood levels fast.
  • White bread: Sugary snacks and drinks

Dairy Products: There are studies which bear out that dairy may affect the severity of acne:

  • Milk
  • Cheese

Fast Food: They are typically very high in fats and sugars which are not healthy for the body.

What Food Might Assist in Reducing acne:

Omega 3 Fatty Acids. These are know to help in combating inflammation:

  • Salmon
  • Walnuts

Foods With Antioxidants: These foods assist repair the skin:

  • Berries
  • Spinach

It is advisable to follow a well- balanced diet and note the food which can provoke in any affected person.

Professional Treatments: Chemical Peels to Laser Therapy

The chemical peels and the laser therapy get center-stage when it comes to professional management of acne.

Chemical Peels:

  • Types: Glycolic acid, Salicylic acid, and Lactic acid.
  • Function: They exfoliate the uppermost skin layer, open up the clogged pores and ease the swelling.
  • Frequency: Dependent on the individual’s skin type as well as how much is their acne.

Laser Therapy:

  • Types: two types namely ablative laser and Non-Ablative lasers.
  • Function: They are used to help penetrate deeper skin layers, with an aim of reducing oil production as well as acne scars.
  • Sessions: one of them takes a number of sessions to achieve the desired result.

Note: Such treatments should be undertaken by qualified health care professionals in order to minimize risks.

Preventative Measures: Skincare Routines for Acne and Acne Cause

Following an appropriate skincare regime is very important in preventing acne breakouts and other voluntary facts of acne.

Daily Cleansing:

  • Cleanse face with a soft non-comedogenic cleanser two times per day.
  • Always remove make up before sleep.


  • Exfoliate 2-3 times weekly with a mild exfoliant.
  • Harsh scrubs that may cause skin tearing should be avoided.


  • Use a light oil free cream.
  • Look for products with hyaluronic acid.

Sun Protection:

  • Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis.
  • Choose a sunscreen lotion that is easily absorbed and does not leave the skin oily.

Additional Tips:

  • Do not often touch your face.
  • Clean hair and place it away from the face.
  • Use fresh pillow cases often.

Dealing with Acne Scarring:

Acne scarring may turn out to be one of the most difficult things to treat. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available to help in addressing the problem of acne scarring.

Topical Treatments:

  • Retinoids: Promotes cell turnover and collagen production.
  • Vitamin C serums: Improves the color and texture of the skin.
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): Many use these to help even out skin and fade scars.

In-Office Procedures:

  • Chemical Peels: Exfoliation that peels off the surface layers of the skin.
  • Microneedling: Induces the body’s healing response.
  • Laser Therapy: Lessens redness and improves the texture of the skin.

Most people with severe scarring will respond the best to a variety of treatments.

When to Go to a Dermatologist for Acne Cause:

There are cases when it is necessary to see a dermatologist:Acne Cause 3

  • Acne Symptoms: Cystic, painful, or persistent acne lesions.
  • Acne Scars: Scars or dark patches on the skin that lower one’s self-esteem.
  • OTC Treatments Failure: In cases when treatments purchased without a prescription have not been successful even after several months.
  • Recurrent Episodes: Spontaneous breakouts that appear frequently and are often quite severe.
  • Possible Medical Problems: Causes such as suspected hormonal causes.
  • Social Well-being: Acne that makes the person miserable or susceptible to emotional issues.
  • Other Procedures: Requirement of advanced procedures like chemical peels, laser therapy, or any other medications which are prescribed.
  • Chronic Allergies: Side effects observed from the current medication administered for acne.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts of Acne Cause:

The choice of the best acne treatment option depends on the type of skin of the patient as well as the condition. Some of the focal points include:

  • Dermatologist Consultation: It should not be ignored because each person requires an appropriate therapy.
  • Compliance: This is very helpful in getting results and may take at least weeks or more than a month.
  • Product Content: Care to avoid comedonogenic and other harsh formulation may mitigate the risk of irritation.
  • Other Related Factors: Other activities such as dieting, stress control, and hygiene are key to the health of the skin.
  • Reviews: Reviews from other customers can assist but a doctor’s opinion is what is most valued.

Knowing how to combine medical therapy with appropriate products and lifestyle improves the efficiency of treatment for clearer skin.

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